So Much To Do

From killing Banquo, to having a breakdown in front of his guests, Macbeth is going downhill from here on out. Sending in Banquo's ghost was such a great idea. We knew it would mess with his head, and I'm now sure everyone is thinking their new king is a little bit bonkers. At this rate, the prophecy that Banquo's sons will take over as king is falling right into place. I have no worries that what we say will come true. As for the troubles my sisters will cause along this journey, I cannot feel bad, I'm about as excited as a three year old on Christmas morning. Lets get crazy.


Macbeth said…
Downhill? I will only continue uphill! My power is untouchable and I have yet to be beaten in any fight, whether of wills or strength. Only the first part of your prophecy will come true, nothing else ever will.
Hecate said…
The trouble you cause better be what I give you instructions for! I will not tolerate anymore anarchy from you three witches!

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