Just for fun really

Some may wonder why we told Macbeth he was going to be king. They might think can the three witches see the future? Are they making these events up? Well all I can say is that I like to sit back and watch all hell break loose, so we do make things up every now and again just to see how power-hungry people are. We tested Macbeth's character, and he obviously failed the test because he killed King Duncan. I wonder who's going to be wrongly accused for King Duncan's death first. Nothing is in the way of us, the three sisters, wreaking havoc on everybody. There's really no reason for why we act this way, it's just in our blood to make sure everything in life is a little bit crazy.


Hecate said…
Things would be handled a lot better if you three did not exclude me from the prophecies! You cockered clapper-clawed coxcombs!
Macbeth said…
I only killed King Duncan because of my own ambition! You witches played no part except giving me the opportunity to grab hold of power, do not pat yourselves on the back. Without you, the outcome would have been the same.
Ms. May said…
I love how straightforward you are! I always know where I stand with you three witches: In danger!
Second Witch said…
@Macbeth your pride may tell you that all of this is happening because of your choices, but we witches really are the ones in control.

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